Our lectures on analysing the processes of communication form part of an already long tradition at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines. From the inauguration in the 1950s of an audiovisual production and training centre at Saint Cloud, to the creation in 1996 of an education department at Fontenay, the ENS has always promoted a policy of educational innovation informed by the goal of integrating pupils in the real world.
The C2So team accepts students for a Master 2 in Information and Communication Science, offered jointly by the ENS Lettres et Sciences humaines, the University of Lyon 2 and the University of Lyon 3. Students may also study a Master 2 in the History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science, run in conjunction with the University of Lyon 1. Finally, C2So coordinates a Master 1 at the ENS LSH entitled Science and Knowledge: Mechanisms, Representations and Communication. The team presents a seminar within the framework of the Masters in Information and Communication Science, as well as workshops, while supervising Master 1, Master 2 and PhD theses.
Web site of our Masters : http://infocom.ens-lsh.fr