Laboratoire Communication, culture & Société
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History (About us)

Friday 6 July 2007
The “Communication, Culture and Society†team was founded in 2002 by Joëlle Le Marec and Igor Babou as a “Jeune Equipe†accredited by the Ministry under the 2002-2006 four-year plan. > continue

Research group "Communication, Culture et Société" (UMR 6562) (About us)

Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences humaines
Friday 6 July 2007
C2So is a research group at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines. It is part of the Norbert Elias Center (UMR 8562). Our research is undertaken within the discipline of information and communication sciences, focusing on the relationship between science and society (...) > continue

Staff members (About us)

Friday 6 July 2007
Staff Sarah Cordonnier (Assistant professor, Université Lyon 2) Philippe Hert (Assistant professor, Université de Provence/Aix-Marseille 1) Postgraduate Students Clémence Emprin Mélodie Faury Anne Jacquemot Maud Jarrige (codirected by Joëlle Le Marec and Isabelle Garcin Marrou) (...) > continue

Manifesto (About us)

Sunday 8 July 2007
Nova Atlantis Manifesto for a Baconian Utopia in the Social Sciences Babou, Igor, and Joëlle Le Marec. 2001. Nova Atlantis - Manifeste pour une utopie baconienne en sciences humaines et sociales. Alliage 47: 3-10. [1] Can we still believe in the possibility of collective work in the social (...) > continue

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